What's worse than ending up with skin full of marks and acne scars? You have tried all creams in pharmacy and supermarkets, grandma's methods, but nothing works, you continue to have scars and that makes you sick. Discover this technique using natural lemon juice that will finally help you get rid of it.
Acne scars can make you live a nightmare and ruin the look of your skin. Forced to hide under a ton of makeup you dream every day of a baby's skin. You lose hope? No worries, test this trick with natural lemon juice and see the results.
Lemon, your ally against acne scars
Lemon is known to be an excellent antibacterial. In addition to cleaning the impurities on your skin, it helps eliminate bacteria and make it cleaner. It is also an excellent anti-stain and effective lightener. In fact, its vitamin C content makes it possible to reconstruct what is called collagen, a natural substance present in the skin. Finally, lemon helps fight against excess oil, reduce the appearance of oily skin and therefore prevent the appearance of pimples. In conclusion, the lemon will allow you to reduce the appearance of scars but also to prevent the appearance of pimples.
Use :
Squeeze the juice of a lemon and soak a cotton pad. Apply on your face, where you see scars and let it dry. Leave on for 10 minutes and then rinse with water. If you have sensitive skin, dilute the lemon juice with water (50%) and wait 30 minutes before applying it.
Warnings :
Warning: It is recommended not to use lemon if you have sensitive skin, the risk of irritating It also know that the lemon has a photo-sensitizing effect. Be sure to rinse your face and hands thoroughly before sunbathing and using sunscreen.
If you find the lemon too aggressive, you can mix it with a little honey to reduce its acidity.
Lemon For Acne
The actions to adopt:
If you still have acne, it will be more difficult to get rid of scars, but this method associated with a beauty routine can help prevent them and avoid having more. It is therefore important to follow the following tips.
- Clean your face morning and evening with a gel or a cleaning foam to eliminate impurities accumulated during the night or during the day (dust, pollution etc.);
- You can optionally use micellar water or tea tree water as a cleaning supplement;
- It is important to remove makeup before sleeping to let your skin breathe. Make-up smothers skin and pores;
- You can do a scrub once a week to remove dead skin and have a soft skin. Be careful however to use a gentle scrub, otherwise it will attack and irritate your skin which will produce even more sebum;
- Do not attempt to remove the buttons yourself. The bacteria that are on your fingers contribute to the proliferation of pimples but also to the appearance of scars;
- Clean your hands and then moisturize your skin every day with a cream that suits your skin type and do not forget the sunscreen.