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6 Sentences That You Should Always Tell Your Child (For Self-fulfillment And Self-confidence)

6 Sentences That You Should Always Tell Your Child (For Self-fulfillment And Self-confidence)

6 Sentences That You Should Always Tell Your Child (For Self-fulfillment And Self-confidence)

As parents, the psychological and emotional development of your children is one of your main responsibilities. The words they hear and the tone with which they are pronounced are essential for promoting good communication and healthy development. However, some parents who are overwhelmed by events sometimes end up giving up, giving free rein to their anxieties and mood swings that affect their relationship with their children.

Indeed, no one is perfect and even less a parent overloaded with professional, love and family responsibilities. Between the couple to be cared for, the children to be educated and the work that needs to be done, it is not impossible for fatigue to take precedence over reason. Pushing the best of us to shorten our conversations or use a tone that is not suitable for the exchange with the youngest.

So, to convey values ​​of love, kindness, encouragement and empathy at home, here are 6 sentences that your child should always hear:

"I love you"
It would be misguided to think that children know that we love them. In spite of the demonstrations of affection and other daily attentions, they need to hear you say exactly the words "I love you".

This is crucial for their self-esteem and self-esteem, but also to show them that you place their interests above all else and that you will always be keen to defend them. It not only strengthens their character by giving them a feeling of emotional security but also shows them that they can receive love and give it

"I'm proud of you"
The key behind educating future confident adults is to fully share the exploits of your children. By celebrating their victories, big and small, you confirm their efforts and salute their progress, which gives them wings for the challenges ahead.

At school or personal level, being proud of them and showing them allows them to have confidence in their abilities and to learn to seize the opportunities that come their way.

Moreover, research has shown that the outcome of an assessment of the impact of praise on children aged 1 to 3 years indirectly predicted their academic success.

"I am sorry"
If discipline remains a determining aspect of the education given to a child, knowing how to recognize his mistakes and to distinguish what is allowed from what is not is also part of the imperatives of their learning. Whether it concerns the importance of apologizing when they are wrong or the consequences of their actions, it is through your teachings and your own ability to say sorry that they can acquire real values ​​of empathy.

One study found activation of most brain parts related to feeling empathic when making excuses. Believing that the combination apology-empathy-forgiveness allowed the maintenance of the continuity of intimate relationships without these being damaged by misunderstandings.

forgive you

"I forgive you"
Discipline is imperative for the education of a child. Timeouts, confiscation of toys and gadgets, or limitation of certain luxuries are appropriate punishments to teach your children that bad behavior is not tolerable.

One of the most difficult concepts for a child to learn is the understanding of boundaries. If you give them the opportunity to do anything they want without fear of consequences or understanding of the impact of their actions, they may repeat the same mistakes, which can lead to far more severe consequences.

"I'm listening to you"
Listening and patience are not only valuable qualities to inculcate in your child, but also traits that should characterize each parent. Of course, it is not always easy to be tolerant, especially after very long days or overloaded schedules, but it is still important.

Listening to them talk about their emotions, feelings, desires, aspirations, disappointments and sorrows gives them confidence in themselves. This requires active listening and not taking advantage of the first opportunity to teach them moral lessons. Your patient ear and empathy will make people confident