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9 Types Of Pain That Are Directly Related To Your Emotions

9 Types Of Pain That Are Directly Related To Your Emotions

Types Of Pain That Are Directly Related To Your Emotions

Various and varied, emotions are unconscious reactions to everyday life. By helping us adapt to the circumstances that surround us, they take stock of our needs. When they are filled, we show positive emotions. On the other hand, it will be enough to feel a lack so that a flood of negative feelings is born. These can be manifested at the physical level. This is called somatization.

From the Greek "soma" which means body, the action of somatizing testifies to the physical manifestation of an emotion. This usually concerns fear, anguish or any other feeling that can cause psychic tension. To protect themselves from it, the body then resorts to a bodily response that echoes emotions that are difficult to assimilate through the mind.

In addition, recognizing the link between psychological disorders and bodily affections is not always obvious. Indeed, it is essential to eliminate the physical cause before turning to a psychosomatic response. Examinations with a health professional will be necessary to assess the symptoms.

Psychosomatic diseases: what you need to know

Types Of Pain That Are Directly Related To Your Emotions

Illustrating a link between the immune system and the nervous system, psychosomatic illnesses are the result of intense and repetitive emotions that settle over time. As a result of acute stress, distress or psychological shock, the body secretes corticosteroid hormones that weaken immunity, opening the way to bodily affections. These manifestations usually depend on how we channel our anxieties and are often located in the most sensitive areas of our body. The liver, colon and intestines are considered the most vulnerable organs, making gastrointestinal disorders one of the most common manifestations of psychosomatic disorders. Some diseases of the skin, when they do not arise from a virus or a condition, can also be attributed to psychic origins. In particular, psoriasis, mouth ulcers or excessive sweating are expressions common to annoyances and emotional states.

To better understand this state, here is the link between our emotions and their manifestations on the physical plane:


Types Of Pain That Are Directly Related To Your Emotions

Generally related to stress, headaches are often the expression of tension-related headaches. This can occur at the forehead, temples or neck. To relieve them, rest and adequate hydration are advised.


Types Of Pain That Are Directly Related To Your Emotions

If the pains are manifested in the back, these can be related to a recurring psychic charge. These may be personal problems or overly important obligations and responsibilities. Relaxation exercises can help you relax your back muscles.


Types Of Pain That Are Directly Related To Your Emotions

The sensation of a knotted belly is quite common in case of stress. This is due in particular to the presence of thousands of neurons in this epicenter. Indigestion then comes from the psyche and manifests itself through chronic stomach aches.


Types Of Pain That Are Directly Related To Your Emotions

If they do not stem from physical exertion, muscle pain can be a tension and stiffness associated with repressed emotions. To appease them begins with the mind: it is essential to learn to relax and understand that you can not control everything in life.


At the psychosomatic level, the hands are associated with the relational register. This is especially true when you keep your fists tight, a characteristic sign of a withdrawal. On a physical level, this can lead to early osteoarthritis.


Types Of Pain That Are Directly Related To Your Emotions

Symbol of a struggle between reality and hidden desires, the neck is a link that connects the mind to the body to put our ideas into action. When we are unable to express ourselves or grant our desires, the latter can suffer tension and blockages, particularly in the form of torticollis.


Types Of Pain That Are Directly Related To Your Emotions

The weight on the shoulders is often invisible. Emotional in nature, it can be too heavy, cause pain that expresses a daily malaise. To get rid of it, it is essential to refocus on oneself, learning to value one's person.