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Ginger Benefits To Relieve Hip And Lower Back Pain

Ginger Benefits To Relieve Hip And Lower Back Pain

Ginger has many health benefits as a natural anti-inflammatory remedy to relieve many aches. As a mechanism, people affected by pain have a propensity to resort to analgesics drugs that are without long-term results.

However, to dispel this unpleasant and sometimes disabling sensation, there are natural solutions to prevent joint pain. Among them: the ginger compress. This homemade treatment overcomes low back pain and rheumatoid arthritis of the hip if applied regularly and prevention of seizures. Discover how the powerful Asian rhizome fights against the body against pain and inflammation. This ancestral practice used in China for millennia is recommended for other health benefits.

Ginger Benefits

Aficionados of alternative health do not falter: for each affection, a gift of Nature is provided for this purpose. Considered as a sacred food, ginger has long been used by Eastern civilizations to fight against various evils as a preventive or curative. For joint pain, Zinziber Officinalis has more than one twist in its bark! Spotlight on this food, which, applied as a poultice can be a care with formidable benefits.

Ginger health benefits as painkiller

Booster immunity, digestive all, the least we can say is that the reputation of super-food ginger is not stolen. And for good reason, it is full of antioxidants, essential substances to prevent the appearance of free radicals responsible for diseases and premature cell aging. But the benefits of the Asian rhizome do not stop there, it is also a powerful natural painkiller and this, especially for arthritis pain. And we owe these properties through the joint action of these three biochemical compounds: gingerol, shoagol and paradol. Its anti-inflammatory activity is essentially triggered by the mechanisms of leukotrienes, lipids, and prostaglandins, unsaturated fatty acids. The findings of this study published in the scientific journal Arthritis, have highlighted the potential therapeutic role of the Asian rhizome in improving the symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis.

Alternatives to joint pain
To overcome joint pain, it is essential to favor foods with anti-inflammatory properties recommended to fight against these conditions. Among them: sardines, salmon, lentils, cereals, clementines, lemon and grapes. Sufficient hydration is recommended to eliminate toxins and thus limit the risk of cramps and muscle fatigue that can accelerate these diffuse pain.

Joint pain: triggers
Although joint pain is most often associated with age-related bone weakness, there are predispositions that provide a breeding ground for these sometimes debilitating conditions.

- Obesity can be a cause of various joint pain.
- Dorsal musculature weak that can cause low back pain
- A lack of physical exercise and a pronounced sedentary lifestyle
- Inappropriate posture
- Sudden movements and carrying heavy loads
- The pregnancy
- Diabetes
- Localized inflammation

An inflammatory mechanism
Often, joint pain is related to movement, even when the latter are passive and unaccompanied by muscle contraction. Several causes can accelerate joint pain such as infectious arthritis or inflammation of the synovial membrane responsible for fluid movement. On the other hand, anxiety can amplify the sensation of pain characterized by a spontaneous contraction of the muscles.
How to apply Ginger Poultice/Paste Arthritis ?
To get effective results on your health, we recommend that you have the the bio ingredients.

- 3 teaspoons of ground ginger
- 200 milliliters of filtered water
- A band of gauze (for the poultice)

- Bring the amount of water to a boil then mix in ground ginger powder
- Let the mixture cool for a few minutes
- Soak the hot mixture in a gauze that you let macerate 5 minutes
- Wring the fabric gently

Application :
Apply the band of gauze on the painful joint area and leave this treatment for 30 minutes while lying down. Secure this poultice with an adhesive tape for optimal hold.

The results of this Swedish comparative study are convincing. According to the cohort of experts, massage is significantly effective for fighting back pain if performed twice a week for one month.